Corporate fleet

Essential service companies, such as utility providers, construction companies, and emergency services operate large fleets of vehicles across the UK.

Vehicles require a range of movements through their lifetime in fleet:

  • New vehicle deliveries from factories or dealers to depots

  • “In life” movements for servicing, reallocation or replacement

  • End of life movements to auction and resale

Our insurance covers all vehicles up to 32 tonnes in weight, meaning we can assist with cars, light commercial, and HGV vehicles.

Hitachi: British Gas


Engineius is proud to work with Hitachi - a leading fleet management company in the UK. Engineius supports British Gas’ fleet through the entire lifecycle - new vehicle deliveries from the converter to engineers, servicing, reallocation and accident management movements in life, and remarketing movements at end of life.

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We were honoured to be asked by British Gas and Hitachi to assist with the delivery of donated British Gas vans to the Trussell Trust - a food bank charity whose work has never been so in demand as large numbers of people struggle to afford food.

Other sectors

For any other information, please contact us, or get a quote here.