Employee of the Month: Connor Bishop

Congratulations to Connor Bishop, our Developer, on being awarded Employee of the Month.

Connor was awarded for being a fantastic forward thinker! His focus and innovative approach has consistently demonstrated his ability to think ahead of the curve and anticipate future challenges. His exceptional work has earned him this well-deserved recognition, and we couldn't be more proud to have him on our tech team!

Read more to get to know a little more about Connor and his current podcast recommendation 👇

What do you do for Engineius?

I work in the tech team doing a hybrid of Software Development and DevOps Engineering.

What motivates you to do well in your role?

I’m driven by a sense of responsibility to contribute to the success of Engineius and provide value to our customers/network. Some people will tell you that you shouldn't get too invested as an employee, that you're replaceable etc. However, I think that if you adopt a mindset where you care about the success of your company, you can get genuine fulfilment from a job.

What playlist do you listen to in the car the most?

Probably Barrys playlist. It’s curated by my friends; none of which are called Barry 😂 It's a good random mix with a lot of old classics!

What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?

I usually grab my acoustic guitar.

What do you like most about working for Engineius?

The people are great, which I think is the most important thing. I like the dynamic, fast-paced environment.

Although we already have a strong and well-established product/service, there are so many ideas and opportunities for how we can improve. I'm excited to see how they develop.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?

I recently watched/listened to a podcast featuring a guest who moved from New York to the Amazon Jungle at aged 18. He's a fascinating storyteller.

Describe one thing you've learnt in your role?

I would say I’ve learnt to regularly question the processes within your department and whether they still fit. Ways of doing things can become outdated as a business and the teams within it change.

Often, you’ll find that no one can remember why something is the way it is!

What’s the most useless talent you have?

Here's Wonderwall (guitarists will probably get my joke 😉)


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