Photo Competition - March 2023

Hello folks, happy March! This month for our photo competition, the theme was yellow in honour of daffodils, which are the birth flower of March.

We encouraged our drivers to partake by sending in their finest photographs that exhibit the colour yellow in any way that they desire. It could range from a striking yellow taxi, a lovely sunset, a yellow flower, or any other creative idea they might have in mind!

Take a look below to discover the champion of this month's competition along with some of the other entries that were submitted 👇

Winner 🏆

Vincent Richardson

Kilmarnock, Scotland

Yellow Gallery 🟡

By winning the best photo of the month, you not only have the opportunity for your brilliant picture to feature in the company newsletter, but you will also receive £25 in Amazon vouchers as a thank you from the Engineius team!

Need a vehicle moved? Book now.

Want to drive with Engineius? Apply now.


Employee of the Month: Connor Bishop


Driver Of The Month: March 2023