Employee of the Month: Daniel Monaghan

Congratulations to Daniel Monaghan, our Network Optimisation Advisor, on being awarded Employee of the Month.

While some of our drivers may already be familiar with Dan, we'd like to take this opportunity to introduce him to everyone and shed light on the incredible work he does. Dan consistently goes above and beyond to ensure the success of our suppliers, to name a few, he supports our suppliers after they have completed the initial onboarding process and builds relationships by delivering ongoing support and training.

Read on to learn more about Daniel's journey, his achievements, and the secret behind how he unwinds after a busy day 👇

Daniel Monaghan

What do you do for Engineius?

I am a Network Optimisation Advisor. My role focuses on new drivers fresh out of our wonderful training programme, and this varies from their first two weeks with us as their concierge service support or assisting and guiding our new drivers to the ten-job graduation point.

What motivates you to do well in your role?

My manager works very well with motivating me. He understands that my passion to succeed sometimes turns into frustration but helps by re-setting my focus when required. The wider team also encourage and helps each other wherever possible and has a strong teamwork ethic. This, in turn, motivates me to continue to hit our departmental KPIs.

 Aside from this, my motivation is my daughter, Isla. Isla is ten years old and growing fast. Like many, providing for our family is motivation in itself. But also to be an example to them. I think it is important that Isla sees her dad out working so she understands the work ethic required when she is a little older.

What playlist do you listen to in the car the most?

It varies to be honest, as I have quite an eclectic taste I like to think. Lots of it gives a nod to my exam sort of days (the noughties) - Indie/Rock based for the main part.

Lately I’m really enjoying Hak Baker as an artist so his albums/EP’s are near the top of my most played right now.

Hak Baker Spotify Radio

What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?

Walking my dogs through the countryside relaxes me after hours. I also have recently found Mandala for relaxation...this is essentially an intricate colouring in of a design, Mandala is a geometric pattern that represents cosmos or deities, it is an ancient Sanskrit language of Hinduism and Buddhism and the word simply means “circle”.

It is extremely good for relaxation or occupying your mind from work things or otherwise and I would highly recommend it.

What do you like most about working for Engineius?

The people! With no hesitation whatsoever, since my first day the staff here are some of the best you could hope to be around. A crowd with a passion for what they do, always helpful, I always feel supported and valued in my role.

The SLT team and management are fantastic, as are all departments around me, I couldn’t speak more highly of the people at Engineius 🤩

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?

Being an avid Birmingham City fan, it has to be the takeover news of “Shelby Companies” buying out our long suffering club. Also, the news of Aston Villa likely missing out on Europe was an interesting read...loud bang heard in Aston, the bubble has burst!. Lol.

Describe one thing you've learnt in your role?

I’ve learned so much in my first year, I think the main learning curve was about myself. I have found I can switch my thinking out of my comfort zone and learn new skill sets associated with my role regardless of how dubious I am at first 😄

I can thank the staff around me for this new found confidence, where previously I may have been cautious to spin my thinking to a completely different role....now I have more of a “bring it on” attitude and have a hunger for wider industry knowledge.

What’s the most useless talent you have?

I am genetically incapable of brain freeze, I can chug a slushy straight down and not even a wince...can’t think where this will ever be useful in life 🥶


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